Thursday 13 October 2011


After having watched and studied various short films, I've come to the realization that our initial idea is too hard to wrap up in 5 minutes and that it's not intriguing enough for a short movie and would be more suitable for feature length movie rather than a short movie. Our new goal is to come up with a idea that is much easier to do, features less characters, less locations and less plot. We came up with a hybrid idea, we want to combine the short movie genre with a documentary, in a way a fictional documentary, therefore a mockumentary. We feel like the given limit of 5 minutes is just right for a movie of this genre and due to the limitations of a documentary, shooting, writing and directing the movie will be a lot less stressful, chaotic and complex.

Our storyline resolves around a teenage guy's death and the documentary will spend a great amount of time interviewing those close to him, including family, friends, his girlfriend and teachers. While on the surface, the mockumentary seems to be about the crash and a death himself when actually, it mirrors some issues today's teenagers deal with and the stress they are exposed to. Trough the various characters the main character was close to, we also see different aspects of his life and all the different expectations people had in him.An interesting aspect of the storyline is the reveal that the main character, a talented and popular young man, is actually a heavy drug-user who struggles to cope with life, something that will make the reactions of his close ones interesting to see.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


The three shown short movies all share the common Short Movie Conventions. None of them are longer than 40 Minutes. They're all between 5-20 Minutes long. They all feature a rather small cast as the short duration of short movies does not allow a wide range of character's and lots of character development. Filmmakers that shoot short movies often do it because it is cheaper and therefore easier to do, this is their way of breaking into the film business, therefore short movies often have a low budget and only use few locations in order to avoid spending too much money. I also found that in terms of narrative and general style they differ greatly from bigger movies. They are experimental and unusual, obviously directed at a more niche-audience as the narrative is not as simple and comprehensible as a feature film. The character's, the situations and the locations they find themselves in are rather realistic and possible allowing the viewer to relate to it but then a twist is added which makes it comical or shocking. In feature film's the diegesis often seems to be out of a fantasyworld and certain plot elements or characters seem exaggerated or simply unreal.

- Short Duration, 5 - 20 Minutes
- Small Cast, easier to develop characters
- Low Budget
- few locations due to low budget
- Unusual and experimental narrative
- directed to niche-audience as narrative is not as simple and comprehensible
- shocking or comical twist

Tuesday 4 October 2011


Laura is from a middle-class background but due to her fathers absence her mother is struggling financially. Laura's Father left due to her mum having an affair, Laura blames her Mother for this which is basically the foundation of the conflicts the two have with each other.Laura and her Mother have different views on what Laura should do with her life, her denial towards, reflects in her choices, like wanting to drop out college and working in a tattoo parlour. Her mother disagrees and wants to send her to uni anyway, which is one of many fights they have. Both of them refuse to compromise with anything the other one has to say. There is an alternative group of drop outs who live quite an hardcore life and spend their time partying, raving and doing drugs. In a moment of anger, after a fight with her mother, her friends propose that they all run away and just have a blast and Laura goes for it. Laura steals her mother's money and the food she can find at home and leaves. They arrive at the desired spot of the journey and everyone including Laura is having a good time but after a few days on the road, the facade of the group is starting to crack and Laura starts seeing the group for what they are. When her presumed friends use her money to get drugs and booze instead of food supplies and important things, Laura realizes what she has gotten herself into. Also, Laura is angry and jealous as the guy who is the subject of her affections slept with her friend Maddie after kissing her which just adds to Laura's emotional turmoil. Troughout the trip, the mother continously tries to contact Laura but Laura refuses to talk to her.
When her friends ditch her and she tries to go home and when she finally arrives, her mother doesnt take her back in and simply tells her to go "live with her father",  which shocks the audience and at the same time amuses it aswell due to the black humour-ish style of the scene.


Both me and Christabel, my partner in shooting the short movie, came up with two ideas, to decide which one we were ultimately going for, we did a Pro and Con List for both ideas.

Christabel's Idea

- Interesting Narrative, unusual twists and surprising elements
- original concept

- Too much narrative and plot information for 5 minutes
- too confusing for the short duration
-  major time gaps that would need to be filled within the storyline

(Me) Mehran's Idea

- Good Amount of Narrative
- Original Script
- Relatable Character's
- Interesting and unusual Twist

- To Dependent on script and acting
- Dialogue heavy
- Too many character's for 5 minutes.
- lotsof locations.

We decided to use my Idea and create a pitch for it as we think my idea would be more practical to shoot as Christabel's idea featured a lot of Narrative which would have been very hard to wrap up in five minutes. The problem with my idea is the fact that things such as the script, dialogue and acting is of huge importance as the idea is very plot-heavy.


My initial idea for the short movie was to do a piece based around a rebellious teenage girl in conflict with her mum. Without looking into to much detail, the plot basically revolves around a teenage girl who lives with her recently divorced mum. The two dont get along whatsoever and constantly get into arguments with each other which ultimately is the reason for the plot toleave the original equilibrium. The girl runs away with a couple of her friends and the whole journey and the short movie become kind of a rite of passage for her, eventually she realizes that she is in the wrong and wants to fix mistakes done in the past, in a way redeeming herself and returns home. The movie ends with the mother not taking her daughter back anyway as she couldn't take the harsh nature of her anymore. She tells her to go live with her Dad and closes the door.



There are 5 different elements in a standart Narrative which are, in one way or the other, present in almost every kind of movie.

The equilibrium describes the state and situation of the diegesis at the beginning of the movie. There is no disruption and no complication yet. Most of the time the diegesis is shown to be in a good state, sometimes it's a bad state and eventually goes into something better (New Equilibrium).

The disruption is what causes the problem and what gets the Hero going. Mostly, the disruption is caused by the Villain and affects the Victim(s). 

The complication what developes the Disruption further and causes Danger for the hero. This is where the Donor comes into play. Often, the Donor has the needed knowledge to give on to the hero, who then uses it to cause the resolution.

The resolution is as the name says, in first line a resolution to the complication and eventually also solves the Disruption, creating the New Equilibrium. The Resolution is always caused by the Hero and the Helpers. 

New Equilibrium
The New Equilibrium is what comes after the Resolution. It is similiar to the Equilibrium. The diegesis and everything in it go back to the beginning. Something is either better or worse but the Disruption is solved. This is where the development of the characters is shown aswell. 

In typicial movies there always a few roles who fulfill certain stereotypes and have a specific position within the movie. These specific roles exist in order to allow a Movie to fulfill the Narrative Theories (explained above). I choose the Harry Potter Movies to explain what those characters are and what they represent and what their role in the movie is.
Hero -  Harry Potter
The Hero is the main characer, the person the storyline resolves around and the person who, in most cases saves the day and creates the New Equilibrium. Harry is the main character in all 7 movies, the plot resolves around him and the plot is basically his storyline, getting revenge for the death of his parents and killing Voldemort in order to save the world, making him the Hero.

Helper - Ron & Hermione
The Helper/s or the "sidekick" can vary from one to several characters. The Helper sides with the hero and assists him in his quest to create the "New Equilibrium". As the name reveals, the helper is never more than a help. They are never the heroes or Donors. Troughout the Harry Potter Movies, Ron and Hermione side with Harry in every part of the franchise. Although they are important characters and do important things they are never as relevant as Harry, as he is the chosen one. What they do is help.

Villain - Lord Voldemort
The Villain is the character who causes the Disruption and mostly the Complication aswell. He is a threath to the Victim and the Hero. Lord Voldemort is the villain in the harry Potter franchise. Troughout the seven books, he plans his return, kills a lot of character and eventually causes a war, making him the Villain.

Donor - Albus Dumbledore

The Donor is someone with a specific gift/skill or knowledge. He is often represented as wise or strong. The Donor gives the hero something which he uses to resolve the disruption and create the New Equilibrium.  Mostly something that he wouldn't have been able to get anywhere else. In the Harry Potter Movies, Dumbledore constantly helps Harry and his friends, sharing his wisedom, his power and ultimately his weapons and items with them, making him the Donor.
Victim - Various; Depends on the Movie
The Victim is the character that is affected the most by the disruption, the complication and  the Villain. The victim is often saved by the hero and is, in some way, always emotionally attached to the hero. The fact that these characters add almost nothing to the movie other than having to be saved, makes them Victims.


My name is Mehran Karimi, I study Media Studies A2 at Collingham and will use this Blog to record the development of my coursework and to discuss anything related to it.
This year, the task of the coursework is to create a five minute short movie which in many ways is similiar to what we did in AS, the big difference being that we're not only covering the beginning of an narrative but in fact have to create a whole storyline and develop it from the beginning to the end, basically challenging the skills we learned in AS.
For this year's coursework we will have to design a promotional poster, a magazine article and eventually shot the actual short movie itself. I'm looking forward to this Unit as I feel that I can use skills that I aquired during my first year and avoid mistakes or things I didn't like to create a better project.

Generally, a short movie is considered to be any film not long enough to be a feature length film. Ashort movie is said to have running time of 40 minuten or less. Short films are a typical first stage for new filmmakers. However, professional actors and crews still choose to create short films as alternative form of expression. Short film making is growing in popularity as equipment becomes cheaper and more amateurs are making films. "Prosumer" or semi-professional cameras now cost under USDS3,000, and free or low-cost software is widely available that is capable of video editing, postproduction work and DVD authoring.