Tuesday, 4 October 2011


My name is Mehran Karimi, I study Media Studies A2 at Collingham and will use this Blog to record the development of my coursework and to discuss anything related to it.
This year, the task of the coursework is to create a five minute short movie which in many ways is similiar to what we did in AS, the big difference being that we're not only covering the beginning of an narrative but in fact have to create a whole storyline and develop it from the beginning to the end, basically challenging the skills we learned in AS.
For this year's coursework we will have to design a promotional poster, a magazine article and eventually shot the actual short movie itself. I'm looking forward to this Unit as I feel that I can use skills that I aquired during my first year and avoid mistakes or things I didn't like to create a better project.

Generally, a short movie is considered to be any film not long enough to be a feature length film. Ashort movie is said to have running time of 40 minuten or less. Short films are a typical first stage for new filmmakers. However, professional actors and crews still choose to create short films as alternative form of expression. Short film making is growing in popularity as equipment becomes cheaper and more amateurs are making films. "Prosumer" or semi-professional cameras now cost under USDS3,000, and free or low-cost software is widely available that is capable of video editing, postproduction work and DVD authoring.

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