Thursday 12 January 2012


For our movie "Why Did Ben Collins Die" we have to design a magazine page, featuring a review of the movie. To do so, I did some research on magazines that would potentially write about a movie like ours. The magazine "Little White Lies" is a rather niche movie magazine. Below there are a couple of scans of one of their issues.

The cover art of the magazine is not very revealing and a regular consumer, would not even realize that this is a movie magazine. “Little White Lies” is aimed at a niche audience that is looking for specific things which applies to our movie as well. The page on the right, shows an average page of the magazine. The Layout is very clean and neat, the text columns are justified and the main centre of the page is the above picture, a screen cap from the reviewed movie.

The two pages above show an interview the magazine has done. The page with the interview itself, again, is very clean cut and everything is positioned neatly. The Interviewer’s questions are written in bold, making it easier to read and flow in the reader’s eye. The page on the right, simply displays a picture of the interviewed person.

The two pages above, are again, examples of the style the magazine consciously chooses. The colour adjustments fit each other. The pink background on the left is in sync with the pink font on the right page and the black background on the right does the same thing vice versa. This sort of magazine is perfect for our movie as it has the same sort of niche vibe to it and applies in terms of style and composition.

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