Thursday 2 February 2012


After choosing our favourite shots in Adobe Bridge, we tried various ways of editing them in Adobe Photoshop. We used two different pictures one of our actor facing the camera and one of him looking away. Both are shot in a yearbook-esque way.

We used various tools to edit the two images. We started by using the "Levels" tool in order to adjust the lightness and contrast of the image and then used the "Exposure" tool to soften the image and create a rather old style.

We procceded by adding a texture over the image to add a bit of noise, again, to make the picture look a bit older. We then played around with the "greyscale" and the "Hue &saturation" tool having to final versions to choose from. The Black & White version and the slightly saturated version.

For the second image, we choose a similiar editing style. We again, worked with the "Levels" tool to adjust the Lighting and the Contrast of the image and also altered the "Exposure" settings in order for the image to soften.

Then, just like with the first image, we added the same texture and put it's oppacity down in order for it to only slightly affect the image. We finished by using the "Hue & Saturation" tool.

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