Saturday 3 March 2012


• Spelling mistakes in text • Change font of titles and add in some • Music at opening and ending of film • Add fade ins and outs • Titles • Add in mother scene Having seen the film for the first time, I think that it will appeal to our target audience a great deal and although it is a mocumentary it could be seen as quite emotional. There are still a lot of alterations to be made but so far I am pleased with what we have done. The timing exceeds the guidance so we shall examine what can be cut and try and do that. There are a few small mistakes, such as spellings but that can easily be changed. We are planning on going on Sound Cloud and other similar websites to find appropriate music the opening and ending of the film. This will help with the atmosphere of the film and should be a good finishing touch. We have yet to film the last scene of the Mother talking to the reporters and that should conclude the film nicely.

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